Friday 16 September 2016

Race - TV show

In this clip, Peter is discriminating against the black man by saying he 'looks like one of your typical angry black guys' and assuming that just due to the colour of his skin. This is representing Peter in a negative, racist way as he has no qualms about what he had said.

Event - Newspaper

The Orlando Shootings were an extremely tragic event which took place on June 13th 2016. The image of the distraught woman is used to clearly highlight the distress which hit the whole nation. 'Worst mass shooting in U.S. history' this emphasises the immense distraction one man caused to unsuspecting victims, and represents the event as a huge tragedy which many are still affected by.

Gender - TV show

Barney is being represented as highly sexist due to the way he talks about women and sees them as objects. He is expressing his wants for women and has a scale to do so, this is putting him on a pedestal and making him seem like he is too good for women and that he has a right to judge them to his standards. 

Issue - Documentary/Magazine