Friday 20 January 2017

Representation of Women in the Media

Many women in the media are portrayed just by their bodies, as it is seen as the only way to 'get mens attention', however many would see this article and get the impression that Emily is a stereotypical 'whore/tart' who only cares about showing off body. There is a double standard where it is seen as socially expectable for men to show off their bodies without it being seen negatively and is actually encouraged by many and a regular occurrence in the media. The article does not focus on anything else other than the look of her body and almost mocks the fact she is embracing her body by emphasising the fact that 'she's certainly showing off a lot'. This is a recurring problem in the media where women are hated for doing the same as men, for example, a man could post a topless picture and no one would bat an eye and it would be accepted in the media with people praising his body, however if a woman were to do the same or even with more clothing on, they would be seen as 'slutty' and 'an embarrassment' irregardless of the fact its exactly the same concept.

Shout out to my ex

In the shout out to my ex music video, all of the members are female and wearing revealing clothing, this gives the impression to young girls who watch the video that they need to dress like that in order to gain attention from boys, with regards to the message of the song, it is meant to empower women and tell them that they don't need boys, whereas the outfits suggest otherwise. However due to there being no lead male role in the music video, it does give off the suggestion that men are not needed, and emphasises the power of loyal friendships which many young girls should be focusing on.

Friday 13 January 2017

Male Representation

Alpha males - Alpha males are stereotypically physically fit, have a strong demeanour and are confident. In action films, alpha males are typically violent and described as 'The Action Hero' this is when the aloha male character engages in a lot of dangerous behaviour which creates fear in the audience. In the new Wolverine Film 'LOGAN', Hugh Jackman's body is shown with extensive scars to show rebellion and also he is very physically fit. Even in the still shot he is shown with an aggressive grin on his face to intensify the feeling that he is an angry character, he never has a happy expression on his face which regains the dominance. The trailer shows various fighting scenes of Jackman by himself against others emphasises the fact that he is strong enough to take on many opponents and still come out on top.